And who decides what's the good or bad behaviour? And who decides which people should be allowed to procriate or not?
Surely, if someone does something wrong now, it's because something went wrong in their development, so whose fault is that? Or are you going to dig yourself in even deeper shit by saying some people just aren't fit to live in our society?
You're not agreeing. He defends the idea that every woman should be free to choose whether to abort or not. You defend the notion that that is a crime and should be prohibited for everyone.
But, you see, the people will only get their asses off their sofas when they realize they are in deep shit. Voting Obama and hoping for the best won't change anything. So let's vote on Obama and then force all the people who run the country to listen to our collective voice.
Exactly. It's not like KV is the Red Bull of IndyCar, so I don't see why anyone would discredit the efforts by TK. Getting the same amount of Top5s than Briscoe in a lesser team surely means something?
Plus, I hate Bourdais. Yeah, he's not a crap driver, but look at all those people he used to beat in ChampCar (Tag, Servia, Power, Junqueira). With equal cars, they're all better than him.
This has got nothing to do with Intrepid's argument.
Several athletes come to the games under pressure to win gold at the risk of losing what little sponsorship they have managed to find. That's why they drug themselves, that's why they try and find shortcuts to ensure they get the best possible result.
Your workplace analogy would more accurately represent Intrepid's arguments had you posed the following question: "would you cheat at work to ensure your bosses are happy with the results, if you knew that you'd risk being left unemployed for the next four years if you failed to fulfill their expectations", to which the most common answer would be "yes".
No. 7 actually has an explanation that can be seen in the deleted scenes, that of Pippin cutting his hands free on the blade of a dead uruk-hai. In the commercial edition, that scene was cut, but they still used old footage of him tied.
Look at all those Canadians coming out of hiding! I wonder if they can assemble a large enough army of posters so as to make this a more friendly community. Maybe side with the Minnesotans (are there any here?) for double effect?
This has been the norm for a good while. In the 1956 Melbourne games, the equestrian events were held six months before the opening of the games (in Sweden!)